72 posts tagged with "development"

Developing Vue.js and Node.js Apps With Okteto
Kubernetes is a feature-rich tool to solve all kinds of problems of the cloud, but it has a steep learning curve, and applications set up in Kubernetes...

How to Develop Django and Postgres Applications with Docker and Okteto CLI 2.0
Doesn’t it bother you that you cannot build your application and see how it looks and behaves in production when developing it? If it does, then you...

Maybe It's Time To Rethink How You've Been Developing?
Cloud-Native Applications Need Cloud-Native Development Environments We've seen a tremendous change in the way applications get deployed over the last...

Developing a Rasa chatbot in Okteto
Rasa is a Python framework for training and building an AI-powered chatbot integrated into various platforms. Training and building AI-powered applications...

Developing and Deploying a Helm Chart Application in Okteto
Deploying applications in Kubernetes can be complicated. Even the simplest application could require creating a series of interdependent components (e.g.,...

Building Docker Images Faster for Webpack
At Okteto we are very passionate about increasing developer productivity. We were looking for ways to improve our container build times when we came across...

KubeCon 2021 - With Preview Environments, Everyone is Invited To the Party
In his DevxDay 2021 talk, Jacob talked about preview environments and why they are crucial for making the software development process more inclusive,...

Okteto Deep Dive — Saiyam & Ramiro
We’re excited to share the conversation that I had with my good friend Saiyam (CNCF Ambassador and Director of Evangelism at Civo Cloud) on the past, present,...

What's New in Okteto CLI and Enterprise October 2021
Fall is here, and with it, we have some cool new features that we hope will help you have a better developer experience while using Okteto. Here’s what’s...

How a Hackathon Helps You Become a Better Developer
It’s Hacktober and that means you might have the opportunity to participate in some hackathons either virtually or in person this month. Here at Okteto,...

We Need a Cloud-Native Development Experience
In the beginning, development was straightforward: You wrote code, built a binary, and then ran it in your machine to validate that things worked. You...

Level Up Your Review Process With Preview Environments
Reviewing code diffs has been the primary and often sole way of reviewing feature changes in software products. Now that more and more teams are using...

What's New in Okteto CLI September 2021
There are many new features and upgrades in Okteto CLI this month! Deploy individual services with Okteto Stack You can now redeploy a single service...

September 2021 Okteto Enterprise Release
September included many upgrades and updates to features and dependencies for Okteto Enterprise customers. Read on to find out what’s new in Okteto Enterprise....

What's New in Okteto CLI August 2021
We’re excited about the new features and updates available this month in Okteto CLI! Updates okteto up now supports statefulsets to help you manage and...

August 2021 Okteto Enterprise Release
We’re excited to announce Enterprise Release 0.9.8! Here’s what’s new: Preview environments Preview environments now have endpoints, show the owner of...

It's No Secret, We Use Okteto
Context I joined Okteto almost 4 months ago with the regular mindset about what devtools are, how to use them, and what a dev environment is supposed...

Announcing Our New Preview Environments Experience
Preview environments help developers test their code and share it with everyone on their team, whether in technical or non-technical roles. It’s one of...

The Power of okteto up
Okteto was created for a better developer experience. We took a good look at the typical process a developer works through to write, test, and deploy their...

Remote Development Environments with RubyMine, Okteto, and Kubernetes
In the past, we've talked about how to develop remotely with VS Code and PyCharm. Today, I'm going to show you how you can use okteto to define and deploy...

Developing A Flask and ReactJS Application in Okteto
Muhammed Ali is a Software Developer with a passion for technical writing and open source contribution. His area of expertise is Full-stack web development...

What's New in Okteto CLI July 2021
We’re excited to announce these new and improved features for Okteto CLI! Preview environments Our new preview environments UI is almost ready for release,...

July 2021 Okteto Enterprise Release
This month we have some new features and updates in Okteto Enterprise 0.9.6 that we’re excited to share! Preview environments UI We’ve got a new Preview...

Introducing Okteto Divert
Here at Okteto, we’re always looking for ways to make development easier for cloud native developers. One feature we thought could be beneficial is the...

Kubernetes Deployments Made Easy—Anaïs Urlichs
We’re excited to share this video review and demo of Okteto by Anaïs Urlichs, as day 38 of her 100 Days of Kubernetes series. Okteto Dev Environments...

Deploying Preview Environments for Docker Compose Applications using Okteto and GitHub
A preview environment is an isolated development environment created during a development process to enable you keep track of the changes made to your...

Run your Pull Request Preview Environments on Kubernetes
Have you ever wanted to test the changes in one of your teammate's pull requests? Today it looks like this: commit your local changes, switch your local...

How to Develop Docker Compose Applications Remotely with Okteto Cloud
Local development with docker-compose has proved to be easy as applications are easily spun off with one command irrespective of the operating system....

Introducing Okteto CLI
Develop at the speed of the cloud with Okteto CLI, our open source offering that helps developers deploy, develop, and preview their work, using either...

Introducing Okteto Enterprise
Did you know that Okteto offers a self-hosted plan? Our Enterprise solution is for companies that want to run Okteto on their own Kubernetes cluster, rather...

A Step-by-step Guide on Deploying Your Docker Compose Application to Okteto
Naturally, applications deployed to Kubernetes are containerized and mostly built as docker images. A docker-compose manifest is a configuration manifest...
Okteto and Chaos Testing with Litmus - Webinar
Ramiro did a webinar last week along with Uma and Karthik of ChaosNative on how to use Okteto and Litmus Chaos to get your Chaos Engineering practice started....

Deploy Pytorch Model with Okteto CLI
In this article, you will be deploying an already built model for the public that generates unique and personalized love letters with no plagiarism to...

Deploying a Django App on Okteto
An RBAS system helps manage users and prevents certain information from being exposed to everyone. It also ensures that the actions users can perform can...

Using GitHub Actions and Okteto Cloud to Preview your Changes
Preview environments serve an important role when performing code reviews for an incoming change or addition to an application's codebase. It is a fantastic...

Surprising Results in the 2020 Python Developers Survey
Every year, JetBrains and the Python Software Foundation conduct an online survey better to understand the state of Python's ecosystem. In October 2020,...

Adding A Database to Your Application Using Okteto Stacks
Temporary in-app databases are not ideal for web applications. Any unfortunate event such as an abrupt shutdown or restarting of the application will lead...

Building a Machine Learning Application with spaGO and Okteto Cloud
Author bio: Sangam is Developer Advocate at Accurics. He's also a Docker Community Leader Award Winner and an Okteto and Traefik Community Ambassador....

Deploying An Existing Application Using Okteto Cloud
Fast deployment of applications is an attribute Okteto boasts of. The deployment of applications from the Okteto dashboard is easy and fast as it requires...

Building a FastAPI Application and Deploying it with Okteto Stacks
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to develop a CRUD API with FastAPI and deploy the application to Okteto Cloud. You'll start by building the code of...

Working with Multiple Kubernetes Clusters using Okteto
As a developer, there's going to be a time where you need to work with different Kubernetes clusters. At a minimum, you need to work with two clusters:...

Getting Started with Okteto and Rust
Without any doubt, Kubernetes has become the default platform to run modern applications. However, for a developer, working with Kubernetes brings a new...
Build Kubernetes Operators with Okteto and the Operator SDK
Join me and Saiyam (CNCF Ambassador and Director of Evangelism at Civo Cloud for a live coding session this Friday 23rd at 9AM PST / 9:30PM IST. In this...
Hacktoberfest Meetup 2020
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software. Each October, open source maintainers give new contributors extra attention as they...

Hacktoberfest 2020
October is almost here, and for the global open source community that means one thing: It's Hacktoberfest time! Join the Okteto, Cloud Native and the global...

Private Endpoints for your Applications
When you deploy applications in Okteto, you automatically get endpoints with valid SSL certificates. This way, you can develop and test your applications...

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2020 Virtual!
This year, KubeCon CloudNative Europe is going virtual. Speakers from all over the world have spent the last month or so recording talks on everything...

Crossplane Community Day 2020
Crossplane, for those of you unfamiliar with it, is an open source Kubernetes add-on that supercharges your Kubernetes clusters enabling you to provision...

Remote Development Environments with PyCharm, Okteto and Kubernetes
In the past, we've talked about how to develop remotely with VS Code. Today, I'm going to show you how you can use okteto to define and deploy a fully...

OSCONF 2020 Bangalore – An Open Source Community Conference
This week, we were part of OSCONF Bangalore 2020, and online conference on Open Source and Cloud Native Technologies. The conference was organized by our...

Don't Build and Push, Move Your Inner Loop to Your cluster!
This week, we were part of the AllTheTalks.online conference, a 23.9999 hour online-only conference on all things DevOps, Development & Security. And,...

Okteto Cloud meets GitOps
GitOps is the new way to deliver applications in Kubernetes. It uses Git as a single source of truth for your applications, automating delivery by using...

How to Develop and Debug Ruby Applications in Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...

Okteto Push - Your Code to Kubernetes in Seconds
We've been talking to a lot of developers since we started building Okteto. Every team has very unique challenges, but one that came up pretty regularly...

Okteto Registry - A container registry for your dev images
When I'm working on a new feature or service there are always moments where I want to get a snapshot of my progress and test it end to end. I'll save all...

How to Develop and Debug ASP.NET Core Applications in Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...

Develop TensorFlow with Jupyter Notebooks in Okteto Cloud
Machine Learning and Data Analytics are becoming quite popular for mainstream data processing and TensorFlow notebooks are one of the leading platforms...

Local Kubernetes Development With Crossplane and Okteto
Last week I co-hosted an episode of The Binding Status with Crossplane's maintainer Daniel Mangum. It was a blast! We talked about our open source project,...

How to Develop and Debug Python Applications on Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...

Step Out from the Dark Ages, Develop the Cloud Native Way
If you build software, the words it works on my machine have slipped out of your mouth at least once in your life. If you Google it you’ll probably find...

Develop and Deploy a Grails application in Okteto Cloud
Microservice-based applications make our applications more scalable. But they also make it harder to setup local development environments. You need to...

How to Develop and Debug PHP Applications in Kubernetes
If you are building a cloud-based application at scale, running it in Kubernetes is a no-brainer: It's been adopted by the industry at an incredible rate,...

How to Develop and Debug Node.js Applications on Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...

BuildKit as a Service in Okteto Cloud
We are thrilled to announce that you can now build Docker images from your local source code directly in Okteto Cloud, all powered by BuildKit. Another...

How to Develop and Debug Go Applications on Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...

How to Develop and Debug Java Applications on Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...
Manage your Kubernetes Context Directly from VS Code
Do you keep deploying your applications into the wrong namespace? Now you can see and manage your Kubernetes context directly from VS Code with our new...

Easier Kubernetes debugging with Okteto
We recently published a survey to help us better understand how developers are using Kubernetes in their day-to-day workflows. One of the questions was...
Cloud Native Application Development Survey
We’d like to invite you to participate in a survey we’re conducting of our customers, users and community members. The purpose of the survey is to learn...

Run Coder in Okteto Cloud
Online IDEs are becoming mainstream due to their ability to provide true one-click development environments, surpass the capabilities of developer machines...

VS Code Remote Development in Kubernetes
VS Code Remote Development is a powerful VS Code extension that allows you to take advantage of VS Code’s full feature set in the following scenarios:...

Develop Helm Applications directly in Kubernetes
Deploying applications in Kubernetes can be complicated. Even the simplest application will require creating a series of interdependent components (e.g.namespace,...